Patient Reviews

(231) 845-6313

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Read what other patients have said about us:

Lynn Wolfe , Ludington

Enjoyed my considerate care today…loved the music, and the smiles from the staff!!!

Sue M, Ludington

Excellent service as always! Got right into my appointment on time. My hygienist was sensitive to my easy gag reflect and raised my head during the cleaning of my teeth, which really helped. Dr. Ruby's exams are always thorough. Checking out was a breeze as well. I was finished with my appointment at least 15 minutes earlier than I expected as everything went so smoothly. Thank you!

Ronette H, Baldwin

The staff is so friendly. They are also very up front about what your visit is going to cost you before you have anything done . I love that about them.

Sandy, Forrester

Very caring and professional. Makes sure you are comfortable and know what is going on

Rebecca Hanna, Fountain

Great with my 2 kids I took today. Patient, understanding and just awesome. I take two more tomorrow. Looking forward to the visit! Thanks!

Wayne Andersen, LUDINGTON

Very professional experience.

Kathy B, Ludington

Needed 2filings today. Excellent care!

Healthy Smiles

What does your smile say about you? Let us help you radiate confidence with a healthy smile.
